Saturday, August 9, 2014

Inspiration Shout out..

Hi Ladies, I have decided that
once in awhile I'm going to do a shout out,
today is my first one and there will be 
many more so keep a eye open it might
be about you someday. I am a crafter as you 
already know and I make cards and
mini albums, so I love digital images 
and printables. I Love Debbie Anne-Parent
designs she is a brilliant artist. Also she
is so kind to give freebies on her blog.
Believe me when I say the freebies
are gorgeous. If you haven't check her out
Please go do it, she also has beautiful
designs on Etsy. I just wanted to say thank
you Debbie for giving away such
amazing tags and ephemera, people
like me that don't have a income
we really appreciate it.

Hugs N Loves

Keep Crafting 

Terrie Surface © 2014 OneCraftyCookie


  1. Thank you so much Terrie! I really appreciate your kind words and I'm so happy you're enjoying my work. Super awesome shoutout!!! Big hugs xo.

    1. Your welcome Just wanted to thank you for the beautiful work you do hugs Terrie


How do you get motivated?